Dancing With Butterflies…

It was early September
a warm sunny day..
my five year old grandson
was busy at play..
when the back door burst open
and he came running in..
Saying “Grandma, oh, Grandma
the butterflies back again…”
Armed with my camera
and him with one too..
we both went chasing
butterlies ( there was 2)..
we laughed as we ran
all over the place…
Sticking our cameras
in their butterfly face…
with a smile on his lips
he sat  on the ground..
 said ” Grandma I love
watching them dance around”…
I sat there a long time
as he danced with them too…
then he reached up &  caught it
said “he’s my gift to you”…
with his tiny hand reaching
to hand it to me..
i told him i’d  rather
he set my present free.
He opened his fingers
& it seemed like a race….
as  he and that butterfly
danced all over the place..

~ by romancingtheseason on February 24, 2010.

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